

Soul Food Sindh provides food packages packed with essentials for families in underprivileged communities in Sindh, Pakistan. With our packages we help fight food insecurity in Pakistan. 

The World Food Programme reports that 60% of Pakistan's population faces food insecurity. Malnutrition especially affects women and children also leading to impaired growth and development. 50% of children under 5 are severely stunted due to malnourishment. 

Current programmes designed to treat malnutrition are only available to less than 5% of malnourished children. By providing families with food packages they spend less time worrying about where their next meal will come from and can feed their family with confidence. Mothers and fathers have the assurance that their children are receiving proper nutrients and will grow up healthy with full stomachs. 

You purchase allows us to fund our Soul Food bags in different Sindhi villages. With $34 CAD we can feed a family for 2 weeks. The impact of these bags is tremendous and allows families to spend on other essentials. 

Soul Food Sindh aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 2: to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. In Pakistan we contribute to the Vision 2025 national development plan to improve human and social capital, food security and nutrition. We work to help eliminate hunger and malnutrition to combat the growing need for food security in a rapidly growing population.